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Upload basics

Format, quality, maximum upload, duplicates & privacy

Olof Lindh avatar
Written by Olof Lindh
Updated over a year ago

To unlock the full potential of Kive, it's time to start adding items to your library. With a range of user-friendly options tailored to your preferences and needs, Kive ensures a seamless experience.


Uploading files

  • You can upload files directly to your library or a specific board.

Uploading a Nested Folder: How to Handle Folders Within Folders

  • If you upload a folder containing another folder, it will upload all the supported files inside both of the folders when using the drag and drop function.

  • If you opt for the import function and select the folder from your computer, you have the flexibility to choose which specific files to upload.

Supported file formats

  • Kive supports a wide variety of file formats, including JPEG, PNG, TIFF, HEIC, GIF, and MP4.

  • Visit this article to learn more about our video support.

  • If there's a format you want to be included, feel free to reach out to our support team.

Batch upload capacity

  • Boost productivity with the ability to upload up to 8000 images at once.

Duplicate recognition

  • Save time and avoid clutter by relying on Kive's duplicate recognition system.

  • You will receive notifications in the upload view if any copies are detected in your new batch

Tagging system

  • Our AI-driven tagging system automatically assigns tags to all your uploads, ensuring a streamlined search experience.

  • During the import process, you can apply your own tags to your uploads. This feature is handy if you have a specific categorizing system or wish to tag elements such as director, project, client, etc.

File naming

  • We respect and retain the original file name, making it easy for you to search and find your files.


  • All images uploaded to your library are private by default and only accessible to invited workspace members.

  • For items shared in Discover, you can simply revoke the public status of any image at any time.

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