Navigating your library

The foundations of your Library

Jessica Lehmussaari avatar
Written by Jessica Lehmussaari
Updated over a week ago

Kive offers two primary sources for visual assets: the public items available in Discover, and the private Library designed for personal and team use.

The private library on Kive is divided into two key categories: "Library" and "Uploads".


  • Every item you upload to Kive is automatically added to the Library in chronological order.

  • Your custom tags are displayed at the top of your library for easy reference. Simply click on a tag to initiate a new search within your library using that specific criterion.


  • The Uploads section provides a comprehensive overview of each upload batch, including the number of items it contains and the time of upload.

  • Each uploading action in Kive, with the exception of items saved from Discover, generates a new Upload Event. This system facilitates a chronological record of your upload history.

  • Rename an Upload by clicking on the title and typing in the desired name.

This systematic categorization in Kive helps streamline your navigation process, making it easier for you to manage and access your private visual assets.

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