Upscaling image resolution

Enhance the image quality with a click

Jessica Lehmussaari avatar
Written by Jessica Lehmussaari
Updated over a week ago

Kive's upscale feature allows you to enhance image quality in a few seconds. Here is how to do it:

  1. Open any image in your library.

  2. Click "Upscale image resolution" on the image view's top bar and the "Upscale item".

  3. Choose between three modes: Strict, Default, or Creative.
    Strict: When you upscale an image, it looks very similar to the original.
    Default: Upscaling makes the image look like the original, but not as close as in Strict mode.
    Creative: This option gives a twist to your image, making it look different from the original in a creative way.

  4. Once completed, the upscaled version will be saved and available for download in the top menu.

FAQ - Upscaling images

  • Which file formats can be upscaled?Y

    • You can upscale any still images.

  • What happens to the original image after using the upscale tool?

    • After upscaling, both versions of the image remain accessible. You can switch between the original and enhanced versions by clicking "View upscaled version". Alternatively, you can choose to download either the original or upscaled version as per your requirement.

  • Does it cost anything to use the upscale tool?

    • One upscale generation equals one credit. All our paid plans include a monthly credit refill (up to 200 credits/month). Additionally, you can purchase extra credit packages separately if needed.

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