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Canceling your subscription
Canceling your subscription
Jessica Lehmussaari avatar
Written by Jessica Lehmussaari
Updated over a week ago

At Kive, we value your freedom to manage or cancel your subscription preferences with ease.

How to cancel a subscription

  1. Click “Settings” on the top left dropdown of your workspace, then navigate to "Plans" section.

  2. Find the three-dot menu next to the total of your upcoming invoice and click on it.

  3. Select "Cancel subscription".

  4. To confirm, press "Cancel my subscription" in the pop-up window that appears. You are now unsubscribed!

Note: Only workspace admins have the authority to make changes to billing.

Refund policy

As stated in our Terms and Conditions, we regret that we cannot provide refunds for canceled subscriptions, offer credits for partially used subscriptions, unused accounts, or due to dissatisfaction with the services.

Our services, being digital, are provided instantaneously after purchase, which precludes the provision of a right of return or refund of the subscription fee.

If you have any specific questions regarding your billing or invoices, feel free to reach out to our support team.

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