Item info, tags, comments & reactions

Explore tools to access item specific info

Jessica Lehmussaari avatar
Written by Jessica Lehmussaari
Updated over a week ago

When you open an item, a sidebar on the right-hand side gives you access to essential features like the info section, tags, comments, and reactions. The different tool sections are explained below:


  • AI-generated caption: This is a caption generated by our AI, based on the content of the item. Click it to start a new image search using this caption.

  • Item details: This section gives you quick access to key information about an item: its file name, size, format, and the date it was uploaded.

  • Source: Here, you can see which team member added the item to your library and the original source it was imported from. With just one click, anyone can easily access the original video link or site the item was collected using the Chrome Extension.

  • Boards with this item: If the item is part of a board in your workspace, those boards will be listed here.


  • By clicking on the tag icon, you can view all manually added tags to an item.

  • If you click on a tag, you'll see all other items in your library with the same tag.

  • To add a new tag click on the "+" and start typing and press enter.

  • To remove a tag, hover over an item and click on the "x" to delete it.

๐Ÿ’กPro-tip: Did you know you can add your own tags to items both during the upload process and after they've been added to your library? Read more here.

Comments & Reactions

  • Leave reactions and comments on any item. The user who uploaded the item will be notified.

  • To interact with items through reactions or comments, individuals must have an existing Kive account or create a new one. Both the reactions and comments functions are available to all members, including users on the free plan.

FAQ -Item info, tags, comments & reactions

  • I can't see the AI-generated tags, how do I know if an item is searchable?

    The AI tags are embedded in the image and fully searchable. You can use the "caption search" or "More like this" feature to find similar items.

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